Cupping therapy is a safe TREATMENT method without side effects.
Cupping treatment: It should be done in a in a medical institution in hygienic environment.
There are many factors to consider when determining the staging point of a cup: anatomy, organ projection, segment, reflex arc, dermatome, acupuncture points.
Cupping without medical education and without cup sterilization can cause vascular nerve cuts, blood-borne diseases and infections. When too many cups are used, it can cause anemia.
How many cups, how many scratches, place of application, frequency of application are determined according to many factors such as the patient’s disease, age, weight, tests, etc.
After cleaning the area with disinfection, it is vacuumed with medical cups. Micro scratches are created in appropriate number and depth. This process is not cutting the skin, it is scratching.
The cup is placed again. After a certain period, the cups are removed.
The area is cleaned and closed with bands.
Welcome to “DrHacamat” hijama center in Istanbul! Our licensed medical center is located in the center of Istanbul. We at the cupping clinic are a team of experienced health professionals, hijama experts and cupping therapists.
For detailed information, please contact us by WhatsApp +90 (549) 635 03 13.