It is a cupping therapy that is performed in a total of 4 sessions by considering the body as a single whole. Thus, as a result of 4 sessions, the whole body is cleaned and the immune system is stimulated. The effect of the treatment is strong and long lasting.
The protective or therapeutic effect against diseases is stronger. This is because a disease in one part of the body can affect the whole body.
Screening cupping therapy is highly recommended in next cases: skin diseases, migraine, muscle and joint diseases, chronic diseases such as diabetes, psychological diseases, Alzheimer’s disease.
Welcome to “DrHacamat” hijama center in Istanbul! Our licensed medical center is located in the center of Istanbul. We at the cupping clinic are a team of experienced health professionals, hijama experts and cupping therapists.
For detailed information, please contact us by WhatsApp +90 (549) 635 03 13.